54: Yes, No, and Maybe So: How to Answer Authentically and Teach our Kids to do the Same

With: Amy and Lauren

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Yes and no aren’t always the polar opposites we make them out to be. There can be hell yeses and hell noes, maybes, I don’t knows, and everything else in between. So how do we make decisions and speak our minds when the answer isn’t always simple? In this episode, Amy and Lauren discuss the yes-no spectrum, how we can give authentic answers and teach our children to do the same. 

In this conversation, we explore:

  • The yes-no polarity misconception and how we can instead see yes and no as a spectrum, where one isn’t better than the other.

  • Amy and Lauren’s personal journeys with yes and no.

  • Tools to help us answer authentically and ways to support our children as they do the same.

  • How giving authentic answers can help create and maintain healthy boundaries so that we can live our best lives.


55: Feeling Our Way to Wholeness: Series Introduction


53: Brave Parenting: Modeling and Fostering Resilience